# causal loop diagram > Causal loop diagrams map the causal relationships between pairs of elements within a system and identify feedback loops. These loops can either be reinforcing (vicious cycle) or balancing (goal-seeking) and complex interactions between loops can lead to unintended consequences. > > – [Causal Loop Diagram](https://systemsthinkinglab.wordpress.com/causal-loop-diagram/) Causal loop diagrams are good for exploring a qualitative understanding of a system. Helping you understand the system and its dynamics. You might take a CLD and build a stock and flow diagram from it to begin to get a quantitative understanding. ## Tools - https://kumu.io - Miro has a template - https://ncase.me/loopy/ ## Guidelines - [The Systems Thinker – Guidelines for Drawing Causal Loop Diagrams - The Syste…](https://thesystemsthinker.com/guidelines-for-drawing-causal-loop-diagrams-2/)