Journal entries in the last 31 days

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πŸ“… day [[2025-01-31]]


  • [[The Word for World is Forest]]

  • Lots of interesting people post interesting things on [[LinkedIn]]. If I want to read them, I have to use that platform. Accursed network effects.

πŸ“… day [[2025-01-26]]
πŸ“… day [[2025-01-24]]


  • Listening to [[The Word for World is Forest]]
    • From [[]].
    • Really enjoying it. The reader is great.
    • [[Ursula K. Le Guin]] mercurial as always.
    • Though, when I say enjoying it… it’s a bit grim. This Don Donaldson character is a nasty piece of work, pure American colonialist.
πŸ“… day [[2025-01-13]]


  • Reading [[Not the End of the World]]
    • Hmm, just plainly stated that [[Degrowth]] is wrong.
    • There was a mention of ‘effective’ optimism. Hope that’s not aligned with effective altruism.
πŸ“… day [[2025-01-11]]


πŸ“… day [[2025-01-06]]


  • Read and finished [[Four Thousand Weeks]]
    • Thick time
    • Max Weber and Calvinism
    • I liked it in general. I’m on board with the general gist of the anti productivity sentiments.
      • Sometimes it came across a bit… wilfully contrary? Not sure.
πŸ“… day [[2025-01-02]]


  • Planning to update spacemacs to latest.
    • As noted recently, usually something breaks in this process.
    • So I’ll look at ways to do this with minimal disruption.
    • I think trying to do it using multiple config directories seems a good approach.
      • That’ll be useful for if I ever want to run spacemacs and Doom side-by-side, too, for example, or my own vanilla Emacs.
    • One issue to resolve first - you need Emacs 29 for the –init-directory flag. I’m still on 28.1.
      • OK, I’ll try and tackle that first.
  • [[Updating to Emacs 29 on Linux Mint]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-12-30]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-12-28]]


  • Reading [[Four Thousand Weeks]]
    • The efficiency trap - the more efficient you get, the more things you will fit into to do list, ultimately not gaining any time.
    • Productivity techniques are a way of facilitating avoidance of making hard choices.
      • By claiming you can get more efficient and fit more in, you can avoid having to decide what not to do.
    • Pay yourself first.
    • Keep three things in progress.
πŸ“… day [[2024-12-26]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-12-19]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-12-16]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-12-14]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-12-11]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-12-09]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-12-08]]


  • [[Read]]: [[Wasteland]]
    • In the epilogue, a bit of reflection on how we actually reduce waste.
    • Looks at [[ethical consumption]], [[zero waste]] and the [[circular economy]] with a critical eye. Them having been coopted by corporations.
    • Ultimately, his conclusion seems to be: [[degrowth]]. Consume less, produce less.
      • That doesn’t really address the problems of industrial waste though.
πŸ“… day [[2024-12-07]]


  • Blurters gonna blurt.

    • [[microblurting]].
    • Going to try popping them in daily files in a subfolder.
  • Read: [[Wasteland]].

    • [[Nuclear waste]]. [[Sellafield]].
    • The book is great, well written and researched.
    • But I’m finding the subject matter ultimately quite depressing.
    • Particularly as it’s getting into [[industrial waste]]. It’s huge in scale.
    • [[Nuclear power]] and the corresponding waste is such a prime example of human hubris and folly.
    • This shit is going to be around for tens of thousands of years, yet we don’t seem to have a clue what we’re doing with it.
πŸ“… day [[2024-12-06]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-12-05]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-12-04]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-12-03]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-12-02]]


  • Read Where to draw the line? - by Gordon Brander

  • Note that [[Substack]] has it’s short form posts now.

    • A decent move, a combining of elements of the garden and the stream in one service.
    • Essentially another walled garden version of what [[IndieWeb]] does.
  • I love using [[spacemacs]] and [[Emacs]].

    • However, one big negative - I’m always scared to update spacemacs to latest, as well as packages from Melpa.
    • Pretty much at least one important thing breaks every time that I do, and as I need this for my work, I can’t often spare that time.
    • So I tend to put it off and lag behind.
    • I imagine there’s things I can do that would mitigate the risk and friction - I should look into those.
      • One simple idea is just to have two version running side-by-side. I might be able to do that actually, I think there’s a flag you can pass Emacs to say where to look for your conf folder.
πŸ“… day [[2024-12-01]]


  • Continuing from yesterday, yeah it seems like the touch input doesn’t work great on the native Android Emacs build, either.
    • So, Termux’s text input view is probably the best option for now.
    • orgzly is brilliant for task management, but you don’t get the whole range of Emacs’ powers.
πŸ“… day [[2024-11-30]]


  • [[Wasteland]]

  • Writing prose in [[Emacs]] with [[Termux]] is a little weird.

    • It’s because you have to workaround the fact that terminal emulators don’t generally work well with touch keyboards.
    • Termux solves this cleverly with a text input view you can access by swiping left on the extra keys row.
    • It’s neat, but not optimal for longer-form writing.
    • Options:
      • Use orgzly for longer text input.
      • Try Emacs native Android build again.
      • Stick with it, it’s not that bad.
  • Going all in on [[libre software]] and [[open hardware]] is a key part of [[digital ecosocialism]].

    • That said, use of proprietary alternatives may be necessary during transition.
  • Provisioning the [[knowledge commons]] with info on what software is good, how to use it, how to switch to it, etc, also very important.

  • [[Wasteland]]

  • [[Waste]] and what you do with it is an important part of any [[system]].

    • This is part of why I’m finding [[Wasteland]] so interesting.
      • Here the system is society.
    • You can try and reuse it circulate it back into your system. Or you sink it somewhere in the environment.
      • It seems though, nothing is ever truly a sink - it always comes back one way or another…
    • Or you try and reduce how much of it there is in the first place.
πŸ“… day [[2024-11-29]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-11-28]]


  • Watched [[Agentic Product Development]]
    • Not sure I understand how the talk relates to the title.
    • But I like the concepts discussed a lot.
      • To me it felt like a description of [[IndieWeb]] without really mentioning IndieWeb.
        • Except in the talk subtitle? And one side mention of IndieAuth.
πŸ“… day [[2024-11-27]]


  • [[Wasteland]]

    • Now discussing [[reuse]]. Waste prevention.
  • Learned of [[Weird]] and [[Leaf]] from Zicklag on Agora Discuss.

    • Very interesting!
    • Weird: "prosocial network based on the cornerstone of the internet:Personal websites."
      • This is music to my ears.
  • [[Watched]] [[Why Ethical Consumerism Is a Trap]]

    • It’s a trap!
    • [[B Corps]] started off decent enough, but some problematic admissions recently (Nespresso?)
πŸ“… day [[2024-11-25]]


πŸ“… day [[2024-11-24]]
πŸ“… day [[2024-11-23]]


  • [[Wasteland]].

    • When Blue Planet had its episode on plastic waste in the oceans, the anti-plastic public reaction gave the price of recycled plastic a huge boost.
      • Interesting to think how television programmes can still have such a system changing effect.
      • See also the documentary about the [[British Post Office scandal]].
    • Apparently a plastic bag was found at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.
  • I hope to find the time to start participating in the [[IndieWeb Carnival]].

    • I like it as a concept for nudging people to write in their blogs.
πŸ“… day [[2024-11-22]]


  • Downloaded [[Wasteland]] from [[]].

    • But… now I can’t find my headphones.
  • Found them!

  • The opening to [[Wasteland]], where he outlines the scale of waste we produce worldwide, puts me in mind of the bit in [[Doughnut Economics]] where she discusses broadening our conception of the economy to be embedded within the biosphere.

    • How the economy has sources and sinks to the wider environment.
    • Wasteland tells just how much of a sink we treat the planet as, as we dump our waste into it.