[[Gordon Brander]] has a list of well-connected nodes in his pattern library.
I like the idea. Statistics relating to links and connections feels more in line with a [[relational ontology]] than just having counts of nodes, etc.
So Iโve added a page that lists the top 40 nodes in my garden by number of [[backlinks]].
Itโs on the [[Well-connected]] page.
The source below is executed inline on that page when itโs published. It builds a SQL query to run against the org-roam DB, then formats the results.
(let* ((sql [:select [title dest (funcall count :distinct source)]
:from links
:inner :join nodes
:on (= links:dest nodes:id)
:where (= type "id")
:group :by dest
:order-by [(desc (funcall count :distinct source))]
:limit 40])
(links (org-roam-db-query sql)))
(cl-loop for link in links
collect (pcase-let ((`(,title ,dest ,count) link))
(format "- %s โ %d.\n" (org-link-make-string (concat "id:" dest) title) count))))
The query counts how many nodes are linking to a particular node, rather than how many total backlinks. So node B could have multiple quotes in it that link to node A, but that only counts as one connection between A and B in the counts here.
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